"This is my own station, where I have been departed, and I'm on the train, which sends me to wherever I wanna go. I always enjoy every scenery outside the window as well as the smooth and fast journey. As my life, I have been proceeding forward, to an unknown place. But with certainty, the journey is carrying with happiness, all the time... I am just the way I am, I love life!"-- J.Wong 2010

Song Dedicate To All My Readers



I am feeling incredibly happy now!!!!!

Whats happened?

Well, I was preparing my lovely dinner in the kitchen just now. In the meantime, one of my flatmate, Agnes from Hong Kong came into the kitchen and was about to prepare her dinner as well. She turned around and went back to her room right after she saw me in the kitchen. I though it was awkward but I was caring more about my food. After a couple of minutes, she went out of her room again with a little box in her hand, and again, I wasn't pay too much attention cause I thought it wasn't non of my business.

这时候的她把一盒粉红色的东西放在我面前。仔细一看,是可爱的Hello Kitty饼干条!!!超可爱!!
However, she came beside me and show the little box in front of my face... I was sooo surprised after I looked determined what was that. It was a Hello Kitty biscuit with the little pink box!!!!! Soooo cute!!!

我开心的不是因为捡到便宜,而是我身在家乡那么那么远的地方,依然有个那么真心的朋友,记得我跟她说过我看到粉红色心情就会很好,记得我说Hello Kitty最可爱,记得我说过什么,记得我喜欢什么。。
The main reason that I am feeling happy is not about the free biscuit. Its about the fact that there is still someone, who have the intention to be my real friend, remembering everything I said, about the fact that I told her how much I love soft pink, about Hello Kitty is my fav, about every single silly thing that I said. And she does take account!

I am right now in the real world, with all those real facts and people that I have to deal with everyday. Sometimes the whole environment can be so disappointing and scary. Yet, I am still the lucky one, who never forgotten by the God. He always remember to set some people around me to protect me, love me, cares about me. It's really sweet of the God and also these real friends that I have got.

My parents always quite believing in fortune tellers words and they always remember to ask the fortune tellers about ME. Every single fortune tellers that I have met told the same thing that I am a person who will have a good life. To be sincere, I am not a big fan of fortune tellers but I've got to admin that they have been spot on some thing in my life that really happen and I always think they are right about I am the lucky one.

I do like to thank every member of my family, all of my friends no matter where you are and every single people who loves me. Thank you for letting me surrounded by happiness all the time, making my life become more beautiful and meaningful.

Thanks a lot!!! I appreciate it!

I am Miss Happy.

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With Love


