My dear readers, sorry for leaving you guys behind these few days. It's all Internet fault! The whole accommodation of Aston University was black out before Christmas. It was bank holiday since 25th until yesterday. Apparently, there's no one working nor anyone to fix the connection problem up.
And now, everything eventually back to normal so I can continue to update my blog anytime I want!
Vanessa and I planned to go to London on the weekend of my Birthday, just to have a real celebration instead of simply having dinner. I mean, the dinner was great but as you know, I am greedy and I always want more... So we then decided to visit London and watch the musical--Wicked.
V and I went to sleep at 2am the day before and wake up at 7 in the morning. Nothing special to keep us awake in the midnight, just the endless topics and songs as usual. We bought the cheap ticket for 12pounds instead of 30++pounds, which I am pleased with! Though the train looks a bit creepy and it takes a bit longer, I still found it worthwhile to buy!
I was actually exciting for the day until I saw the heavy snow right after I woke up! And the worst thing is that it was windy that day! Windy and snow is just wrong for me, a pink girl with merely a sleeveless dress and a simple coat!
Birmingham Moor Street Station
Here we are, on the train!
Vanessa brought her luggage with her to pick up her things in her aunts house...
and look at the snow...it's just wrong!
As you can see, we were on a taxi instead of underground. Most of the underground line weren't working that day due to the bad weather... So we have no choice but get a cab... yea yea, we just rich like that!
And guess where I was?! BINGO! In the Apollo Victoria Theatre!!!
Wondering why the picture is so blur?? Tehee..... As you know, we are forbidden to take picture in the theatre.. And what I did? Take it secretly!!
告诉你,如果你想要你的人生中,有那么一天,是充满感动,震撼,惊喜,佩服,开心。。那么你必须,务必要看一次音乐剧。。而且是好的音乐剧,就像 The Wicked那么好看的音乐剧!!
I swear, the musical is much more than just amazing! I just love it!! Wicked, such a great musical that I strongly recommend!!! Peeps, what are you guys waiting for? Go and Book the ticket, RIGHT NOW!
回家之前,做我们每次到伦敦必做的事情--到Oxford Street (像新加坡Ochard Road的shopping street)。见鬼的是,这一天我什么都没有买!!!反倒是Vanessa老板娘买到一大堆东西!搞得我非常纳闷,因为平时都是我在疯狂购物,但这一天,我竟然什么都看不上眼!
Before going back to Birmingham, V and I obviously did something we always do! WALKING AROUND OXFORD STREET~like always... :D But the random part is that I got nothing that day and Vanessa is the one who bought her Longchamp bag and others... Which is definitely odd!
My Madam..
Indeed I wont forget to record down the "Christmas feel in London" to share with you guys here~
Yeap, Selfridges again!
Overall, most part of the journey wasn't as smooth as I thought. But I was still happy cause the Wicked is just A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!
With those lights effect, the beautiful voices and lovely songs, the speeches, and also, the handsome actors.... It's just wonderful!
To comfort myself for buying nothing that day, I get myself a little treat..
One of my fav, Macroon!!!
还有在剑桥读书时,每一天的午餐-Cornish Pasty!!!一口脆饼咬在嘴里,千千万万个回忆涌在心里!那可是说不出的思念和幸福!
And THIS!! Cornish Pasty, the food I always had for lunch when I was in Cambridge.... The taste, the memories, the happy time... There all came back for each bite...
介绍当天的行头:Reiss Casper Coat, 里面只有Mango Suit洋装。。你说在这天气的折腾下,我能不冷吗?!
Outfit of the day: Reiss Coat, Mango simple suit dress with pink...
My hair was all perfect and curly before we went to London. And look at that, after the trip...it's all like..... -.-"
嘻!Wicked Wicked Wicked Wicked! 我爱音乐剧,我爱Wicked!
Hahaha!! Wicked Wicked Wicked Wicked! I am falling in love with musical, I love Wicked!
Mango Suit Dress。。
My dress... Love wearing pink when I go travel. Dont ask me why, I have no clue as well... Just love it...
Boohhh!!!! Just try to do some silly face and makes my readers smile... Life is always beautiful...
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With Love
More posts is coming soon!